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Farm Visits     |      Sheep Shearing      |     Afternoon Tea  |     Sheep Herding


Manderley farm awaits your visit – including sheep shearing.

Complement your cruise ship experience with the very earthy nature of a working farm. Manderley farm owners Ross and Mary Millar personally invite you to peruse the varied aspects of farm life. Watch Ross control his prized collie dogs using voice and whistle commands to herd the sheep down from the rolling hills. It’s amazing how many people purchase wool products and yet have never seen a sheep up close. Treat yourself to the unique experience of watching strong men operate dangerous machinery with such grace and poise while holding a sheep to remove their wool. Afterwards meander down through the extensive gardens, and delight your senses with various smells and colours. Relax in the fully restored 1876 historic homestead and sample the sumptuous home made morning tea while you gaze upon the bush clad vista looking over Lake Forsyth. (Farm size 750 acres, running 1500 ewes and 100 cattle)

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